Income & Expenditure

Overview of Income & Expenditure

All the above financial assistance is provided from the income of the Foundation on its investments in Government Securities. The Foundation has not accepted donations from outside so far. It may, however, be noted that the income of the Foundation fluctuates according to the return on Government Securities which has considerably reduced in recent years. This obviously impacts the volume of the Foundation’s activities. The Governing Board, however, follows a prudent investment strategy giving preference to security and low-risk investment over higher return with high-risk.

Financial Performance during 2022-23

Total income of the Foundation during 2022-23 was Rs.552.66 million.

The Foundation judiciously and prudently utilized its income on its main objectives during the year. The donation to institutions and individual beneficiaries during the year amounted to Rs. 394 million, which constitute 71% of the total income. Programme delivery cost/ operational expenses (Rs. 35 million) stood at 6.3% whereas the admin expenses (Rs. 17.5 million) were 3% of the total income during the year.

Summary of the income and expenditure of INFAQ Foundation from 1981 to 30th June 2023 is as follows:

Since 1981


Years of Philanthropy



Million Rupees

Rs. 10,700 Million since 1981

  • Rs. 7,562 million - Donations, scholarships and interest-free-loans.70%
  • Rs. 1,054 million - Administrative overheads9%
  • Rs. 2,085 million - Transferred to Capital/General Fund19%